Bodywork therapies are a collection of body based approaches to treatment used to manipulate and reorganize the body's structure to promote healing, improve posture, reduce pain, and increase circulation. You and your practitioner will decide together which modality, or combination of modalities, will be most appropriate for your current condition.
A traditional Chinese medical treatment in which the skin is scraped to produce light petechiae.
Gua sha releases blood stasis from within sore, tired, stiff, or injured muscles to stimulate new oxygenated blood flow to the areas. This promotes metabolic cell repair, regeneration, healing and recovery.
Most people find gua sha very effective and comfortable. Gua sha can also be used on the face in a much gentler way to increase circulation, and reduce tension. It improves tone and texture of the skin. Bells Palsy can be greatly helped with facial gua sha.

Tui na is a massage that works beyond the muscles and affects the flow of qi in the body.
Acupressure consists of gentle pressure used on acupuncture points and along meridians to access the qi and promote healing.
Tui na and acupressure can be used as alternatives to needles or in conjunction with acupuncture treatment to reinforce the treatment.
Through suction, the skin is drawn into the cup by creating a vacuum. The cup is placed on the skin over the targeted area.
The cup is usually left in place for somewhere between two to five minutes. Used to treat pain, deep scar tissues in the muscles and connective tissue, and muscular adhesions or knots.

A traditional Chinese medicine therapy which consists of burning dried mugwort on particular points on the body.
The treatment warms regions and meridian points with the intention of stimulating circulation through the points and inducing a smoother flow of blood and qi. Used to treat conditions associated with the "cold" or "yang deficiencies" .
Moxibustion mitigates against cold and dampness in the body, and can be a solution to turn breech babies.